Edison Properties | Apartments in Winnipeg, MB

Edison Properties | Apartments in Winnipeg, MB


At Edison Properties, our relationship with neighborhoods is symbiotic—we support them, and they support us.

When our co-founder Jerry Gottesman embarked on this journey in 1956, he didn’t envision building a real estate empire. Instead, he aimed to operate a customer-centric parking business alongside his brother Harold. Their first parking lot on Edison Place in Newark, New Jersey, strategically positioned near Newark Penn Station, catered to the area’s bustling businesses. This locale not only inspired the name of their venture—Edison Properties—but also laid the foundation for their customer-centric approach.

This ethos guided the evolution of Edison Properties, emphasizing long-term vision over short-term gains. It led to the creation of Manhattan Mini Storage, a pioneering urban storage solution, and the development of cutting-edge office and residential buildings.

Today, Edison Properties remains committed to its roots. In 2019, we revitalized a large warehouse into the innovative Ironside Newark building, nestled in downtown Newark, New Jersey. This structure houses modern office and retail spaces alongside our new headquarters, symbolizing our dedication to the resurgence of New Jersey’s largest city.

Notably, the Ironside Newark building stands just blocks away from our inaugural parking lot, both situated on Edison Place—a testament to our enduring connection to our origins.


    110 Edison Place, Suite 300, Newark, NJ 07102