Adding Your Girlfriend to Your USAA Car Insurance

Adding Your Girlfriend to Your USAA Car Insurance

Are you considering adding your girlfriend to your USAA car insurance policy? It’s a common question among couples who live together and share vehicles. Fortunately, USAA offers options for adding significant others to policies, regardless of marital status.


Adding Your Girlfriend to Your USAA Car Insurance Policy:

Yes, you can add your girlfriend to your USAA car insurance policy if you live together and meet USAA’s eligibility criteria. Being married is not a requirement to add a partner to your policy as long as you share the same address.

It’s important to contact USAA to make the necessary changes to your policy and provide the required information about your girlfriend, such as her full name, date of birth, driving history, and driver’s license number.


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Eligibility Criteria and Documentation:

To add your girlfriend to your USAA car insurance policy, you’ll need to ensure that you both meet USAA’s eligibility criteria. This typically includes residing at the same address and meeting USAA’s underwriting guidelines. You may be required to provide proof of cohabitation, such as a lease agreement or utility bills, to verify your living situation.


Contacting USAA and Making Changes:

Once you’ve confirmed eligibility and gathered the necessary documentation, contact USAA to initiate the process of adding your girlfriend to your car insurance policy. You’ll need to provide her personal information, including her full name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and any relevant driving history. USAA will assess the additional risk and adjust your policy accordingly.


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Conclusion: Adding your girlfriend to your USAA car insurance policy is a straightforward process if you meet USAA’s eligibility criteria.

By providing the necessary information and documentation, you can ensure that both you and your girlfriend are properly covered while sharing a vehicle. Contact USAA to discuss your options and make the necessary changes to your policy today.


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